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Database tools for Laravel Homestead

When developing PHP applications with Laravel Homestead, it can be incredibly useful to view your database through a graphical user interface (GUI). In this guide, I'll outline two methods to setup Database tools for Laravel Homestead.
  1. Method 1: phpMyAdmin
  2. Method 2: MySQL Workbench

Method 1: phpMyAdmin

  1. Download phpMyAdmin.
  2. Unzip the downloaded folder into the directory where you store your other Homestead sites, e.g., "C:/code/".
  3. Rename the folder to "phpmyadmin".
  4. Map the folder in your homestead.yaml file:
        - map: "C:/code/phpmyadmin"
          to: /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
        - map: phpmyadmin.test
          to: /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin
  5. Add the new site to your Windows hosts file: phpmyadmin.test
    Tip: You can find the IP for your virtual machine in your homestead.yaml file.
  6. Now, from the terminal, start or restart your virtual machine and re-provision it to update the Nginx configuration:
    vagrant up --provision
    vagrant reload --provision
You should now be able to access phpMyAdmin and your databases at http://phpmyadmin.test. The default username for phpMyAdmin is "root," and the password is "secret."

Method 2: MySQL Workbench

  1. Download and install MySQL Workbench.
  2. Launch MySQL Workbench and click the "Setup new connection" button.
  3. Configure the connection as shown in the screenshot below:
MySQL Workbench configuration screenshot
    1. The password should be set to "secret".
    2. Click "Test Connection" to verify that everything is set up correctly.
  1. Provide "homestead" as the connection name and click "Ok" to save the configuration for quick access in the future.
I hope this guide is helps you setup Database tools for Laravel Homestead! Check out my blog for other useful articles